NEMLDC Outreach Assessment Recommendations
The NEMLDC Outreach Service has reviewed a large number of assessments, and chosen a selection of research based assessments as primary (though not only) assessments recommended to schools. Click here for more information.
For information and documentation about the NEMLDC Outreach Services’ evaluation of assessments and recommendations, please speak to an Outreach Team member on 9218 1600
To receive updated assessment materials,
please sign up to our assessment updates mailing list here
Assessment Information & Spreadsheets
Overview of assessment resources available:
Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (GAPs) | General all purpose data templates | Football Story |
CUBED assessments: NLM & DDM | Grammar Evaluation & Analysis Tool (GEAT) | Vocabulary measures |
DIBELs 8th Ed. | MOTIF Assessments (including the DiST-N) | |
2024 Letters & Sounds Tracker | Monitoring Index of Scholarly Language (MISL) |
Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (GAPs)
The GAPs is an assessment which was developed by Dr. Heather Van Der Lely. This tool is typically distributed for free by the HVDL Foundation at While this site is out of service however, the GAPS can be downloaded here:
- Score form [Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (GAPs)]
- Administraton manual [Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (GAPs)]
- Picture book [Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (GAPs)]
- Optional: Technical manual [Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (GAPs)]
- Optional: Bik cut-out [Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (GAPs)]
Data spreadsheet troubleshooting guide here. If having difficulty with the main data templates, try using the non-template links below.
NLM3 – Listening:
- Data spreadsheet – WA Kindy (v1.4.2). Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA PP (v1.5.3) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 1 (v1.4.1) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 2 (v1.4) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 3 (v1.4) Non-template version here.
If you have trouble downloading the spreadsheets using the above links, try downloading them from here.
NLM3 – Reading:
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 1 (v1.5) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 2 (v1.5) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 3 (v1.4) Nnon-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 4 (v1.4) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 5 (v1.4) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 6 (v1.4) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 7 (v1.4) Non-template version here.
- Data spreadsheet – WA Year 8 (v1.4) Non-template version here.
If you have trouble downloading the spreadsheets using the above links, try downloading them from here.
About the NLM-L & NLM-R data spreadsheets:
These spreadsheets…
- Have space for 3 data collection points – BOY, MOY & EOY
- Analyse student data (colour coding scores, calculating total scores, risk interpretations)
- K-Y3: Allow you to capture students’ real world performance on factual comprehension questions, while automatically applying the scoring rules for this section for the benchmark scores.
- Can be used with both benchmark and progress monitoring assessments
- Display summary data & graphs for each time point, and these can be filtered by class & other details entered (e.g. EALD, SAER etc.)
- Do not yet show comparison of data across time – version 2 of the spreadsheets which is being developed will have this capability.
- Makes it easy to copy & paste data into later versions of the spreadsheet / different year groups’ spreadsheets if the wrong one was used when entering the data.
- For WA Kindy (where the CUBED-3 does not provide benchmark interpretations at BOY & MOY), benchmark estimates are provided for BOY & MOY narrative retells. Please note that these are very rough estimates based on the original CUBED assessment and have not been validated through formal research.
Unlike previous spreadsheets, at the moment there is a spreadsheet per grade (vs a single sheet used for all year groups). Make sure to use the spreadsheet & tab for the correct year group and time point in the year to ensure that risk categories are calculated correctly.
- DDM overview information sheet
- Spreadsheets likely to be released in semester 2 of 2024.
Original CUBED assessment materials
Original CUBED Narrative Language Measures-Listening
- NLM assessment information
- NLM-L datasheet template (pre/post + graphs) [If the download fails, copy & past the following into a web browser, then check your download file: ]
Original CUBED Narrative Language Measures-Reading
- NLM assessment information
- NLM-R datasheet template (pre/post +graphs) [If the download fails, copy & past the following into a web browser, then check your download file: ]
Original CUBED Dynamic Decoding Measures
- DDM assessment information
- DDM datasheet template (4 data points with graphs) – up to 200 students
- DDM datasheet template (4 data points with graphs) – 200+ students
DIBELS 8th ed.
- DIBELS 8th ed. information (2024)
- DIBELS 8th ed. data spreadsheet template (v2.3) – Spreadsheet features: single timepoint, colour coding, graphs & cohort summary scores
- Actions flowchart if using the MOTiF DiST-N & the DIBELS MAZE assessments together
MOTiF Assessments
- MOTIF assessment information
- DiST-N single datapoint data spreadsheet template v 2.1 – Spreadsheet features: single timepoint, colour coding & analysis, graphs
- Actions flowchart if using the MOTiF DiST-N & the DIBELS MAZE assessments together
Football Story
Culturally appropriate oral story telling and comprehension assessment for Aboriginal Students. Click here for more information & test materials.
2024 Letters and Sounds Tracker
- Full tracking booklet (phases 2-5 only; phase 6 coming soon)
- All student stimulus materis (phases 2-5 only; phase 6 coming soon)
- Data spreadsheet (coming soon)
- Tracker & materials separated out:
Grammar Evaluation & Analysis Tool (GEAT)
- GEAT-v1 explanatory document & use guide
- Broad analysis data template (functional grammar parts, sentence types & custom analysis)
- Detailed analysis data template (genre specific – electronic & printable sheets; word types within functional grammar parts)
Monitoring Index of Scholarly Language (MISL)
- Find out more about the tool
- View the original rubric
Vocabulary Measures
General, all purpose spreadsheets
Generic data collation spreadsheet: for use with any quantitative or qualitative data.