Explicit Instruction

 Explicit  Instruction

At the LDC our evidence based oral language programs and teaching approaches ensure that we are providing the best learning opportunities for our students so we can build on their strengths and support them to make great gains academically and socially.

One of the ways we do this is ensuring we have an explicit instruction approach to teaching all areas of the Western Australian curriculum.

Explicit instruction is a way to teach skills or concepts to students using direct, structured instruction. It helps make lessons clear by modelling for students how to start and succeed on a task and giving them ample time to practice.

There are 3 main stages

I Do

The teacher tells the students what they need to know and show them how to do the things that they need to be able to do. It involves teaching strategies such as informing, explaining, modelling and providing examples. We use a lot of visual supports to support our students’ comprehension of tasks.

We Do

This stage involves doing tasks together. It is at this stage that we start to gradually release responsibility to our students. The teacher will often have a work sample on the board for students to help complete the missing steps.

You Do

The You Do phase of a lesson involves students practising and applying what they have learnt. This helps them become fluent with what they need to know and be able to do. We give clear and direct feedback which adds further improvements to their learning.